Inspired by six magical Disney stories, 10 Minute Shake Ups have been designed to get kids active as part of Disney’s long-term commitment to make healthy living simple and fun by using the strong connections kids have with its stories and characters.

To help embed physical activity into children’s daily routines, 3.5 million 10 Minute Shake Ups packs have been distributed to the majority of state primary schools in England.

Teachers are urged to use the free curriculum-linked teaching resources in class, including suitcase worksheets to use in school, plus passports and stickers to send home with pupils. This means that pupils can plan their own activities in school using the suitcase worksheets, before taking their passport and stickers home to record their activity over the summer holidays.

For the first time, Change4Life is providing resources tailored to different age groups within key stages: Lower Key Stage 1, Upper Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. All the resources link directly to the PE curriculum and provide supplementary support for PSHE, English and spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development.

The Disney inspired lesson plans and supporting materials aim to encourage pupils to keep moving all summer long. Pupils can find out about their favourite Disney characters’ skills and activities including those from Zootropolis, Frozen Fever, Beauty and the Beast, Moana and The Lodge, as well as Disney Pixar’s Cars 3.

More here (including the downloadable resources)